Ronsley Vaz

Ronsley is an entrepreneur specialising in creating businesses that connect people and ideas in new and innovative ways.

He is the host of Australia’s #1 Food podcast – Bond Appetit, that focuses on two main areas: Uniting entrepreneurs through food and Fixing their relationships with food.

He is the author of the upcoming book “Bond Appetit – Uniting peak performers over food.”

He has been cooking for over 19 years. He has started and run his own fresh food restaurant specialising in uniquely flavoured food, and also worked in a big kitchen as part of a brigade of chefs. Ronsley has a Masters’ degree in Software Engineering and an MBA in psychology and leadership, with massive experience in software quality systems and leading global teams. Ronsley is a software technical expert, a personal chef, and a serial idea creator.

Ronsley attended KPI Brisbane in BG1 and won the 2014 Brisbane Profile Award.