Nicole Hatherly is a leading brand and profile strategist, international keynote speaker, published writer, and podcast producer with experience delivering award-winning strategies for iconic & international brands.  With over 25 years experience in long-term Senior Management roles driving brand strategy for Leo Burnett, Subaru, JC Penny, Acer, Foxtel, CommSec and, Commonwealth Bank, Nicole has led Content, Social and Publishing teams at Foxtel, CommSec and CommBank’s largest corporate social networks. She has written, created and published over 1,250 keystone content pieces - articles, blog posts, e-books, programs and created and produced over 80 podcast episodes. Nicole now focuses on mentoring and working with business leaders, thought leaders, founders and entrepreneurs to position their brands for maximum impact and profiles for high credibility and trust to deliver invaluable media exposure and prestigious business awards. Here Nicole with Glen Carlson on the Dent Podcast here.